Unknown CSS
In this section you gonna learn how to change the cursor color.
To change the cursor color we use "caret-color" property in the css
To Change the Text selection Color we use ::selection selector to override the default text selection color.
Select this paragraph using mouse.
Now Select this paragraph you may see the difference.
The :not selector
By using the :not selection we can specify where the style should not apply.
- element1
- element2
- element3
- element4
- element5
In this section we going to learn how to remove the arrow from the type number input.
We use ::-webkit-outer-spin-button and ::-webkit-inner-spin-button selector.
In this section you are going to learn how to remove the border of input.
for removing the outline of the input we use outline property and the none value. "border:none"
This box has scroll bar but hidden. We can hide the scroll bar using the CSS property.
To hide the Scrollbar we use ::-webkit-scrollbar selector.